
Keywords: #security #cryptography

What makes somethings random? Which of the following sequences is more random?


Most of us would probably say the first sequence looks more random than the second. This is because we as human beings are notoriously bad at judging randomness, which is the source of many fallacies and biases (such as the gambler’s fallacy).

I made up the first sequence to make it appear random. The second one was obtained by flipping a real 2 Euro coin and writing down the results.

Why does the first sequence look more random? Because we don’t trust long sequences of the same element. For example consider the final 5 Xs in the second sequence. If I were to flip the coin again how much would you bet on it being another X (tails) or O (heads). Our intuition tells us that O ‘is due’ (a.k.a. the gambler’s fallacy). But the truth is that the coin has no memory and both results are equally likely no matter what has happened before.

If you were to flip a coin 10 times it is not unlikely for you to get a very uneven result (e.g. 7 heads and 3 tails) even though the probability of each one is 50%. But if you flip a coin 10.000.000 times then it is almost impossible that you’d get 7.000.000 heads and 3.000.000 tails. You would get around 5.000.000 each. This is called the law of big numbers. Things tend to even out in the long run. You will have very long runs of only heads but then you will also have long runs of only tails, and in the end they even out (more or less).

This is the reason why statistically speaking small samples are unreliable. It is more likely to get extreme results!

Imagine a country where people like to eat 10 types of candy. Each has a different flavour (e.g. chocolate, strawberry, …). And imagine the preference for a certain flavour was evenly distributed across the whole country. 10% of people love chocolate, 10% strawberry etc. You are the representative of the candy-manufacturing company and you want to know if production should favour one flavour over the other. Therefore you want to conduct a survey. You choose the smallest of samples: 1 person. You ask just one person. This person tells you he loves pineapple flavoured candy. You deduce from your data that 100% of people eat pineapple candy. Now imagine you choose a bigger sample of 10 people. Do you think it likely that there will be exactly one person per flavour leading to the correct 10% each flavour result? It is unlikely that this will happen, therefore you will still get results that don’t match the reality of what people like.

How to tell if something is random?

Short answer: You can’t. At least not with certainty. Why is that? Because in a random sequence every possible outcome is possible, even the ones that intuitively don’t look random (as seen at the beginning). Thus assume someone gives you the sequence 11111111111111111 and asks you if it is random. You cannot tell. It does not look random, but possibly it came out of a true random number generator, or it is the result of someone flipping a coin.

What you can do is perform some mathematical tests to see if the sequence you got looks random. But it is both possible to generate a sequence that looks random but isn’t (you just need to know the rules used for checking) and it is possible to get a random sequence that does not pass the tests and does not look random.

The only thing you can do is choose your random number generator properly and trust it.

Why does it matter?

Randomness is hugely important for computer cryptography. Very often secret keys are generated using a random number generator. If the generator is bad, the key will be bad and can potentially be guesses/calculated (see link below How I Met Your Girlfriend).

PRNG (Pseudo random number generator)

A PRNG generates random numbers in some arithmetic (mathematical) way and is repeatable. One basic example is the Middle square method that was described in the middle ages and re-invented by John von Neumann.

We take some number (we call it the seed) and multiply it by itself. Then we take the middle digits of the result as the first random number. Repeat the process with this new random number.

For instance if the seed is 42:

42 * 42 = 1765
The middle digits are 76
76 * 76 = 5776
The middle digits are 77
77 * 77 = 5929
The middle digits are 92

This gives us following sequence of numbers: 76, 77, 92, 46, 11, 12, 14, 19, 36, 29, 84, 5, 2

They look pretty random don’t they?

The main problem with PRNGs is that they tend to form circles where values repeat themselves.

For instance if we take 79 as the seed:

79 * 79 = 6241
The middle digits are 24
24 * 24 = 576
The middle digits are 57 (0576)
57 * 57 = 3249
The middle digits are 24
24 * 24 = 576
The middle digits are 57 (0576)
57 * 57 = 3249
The middle digits are 24
24 * 24 = 576
The middle digits are 57 (0576)

The resulting sequence is therefore: 79, 24, 57, 24, 57, 24, …

An attacker who observes the output of the PRNG will be able to predict the next value before it happens. These values are no longer random.

Another problem with the Middle square method is that if the middle digits are 00 then all following values will be 00 as well (because 0 * 0 = 0).

This is what happens with the first sequence above (the one that started with 42 * 42 = 76). If we continue:

2 * 2 = 4
The middle digits are 00 (0004)
0 * 0 = 0
The middle digits are 00 (0000)
0 * 0 = 0

Kevin Mitnick describes an amusing story in The Art of Intrusion about hacking a Casino machine by timing the exact moment to hit the Play button. They had found out what kind of PRNG (a LFSR - Linear Feedback Shift Register) the machine used and by playing once and then entering the cards displayed by the machine into their computer they were able to calculate how long it would take the machine to make the full circle and get back to Royal Flush.

The big advantage of PRNGs is that they are very cheap and very fast. And being able to repeat the values (by supplying the same seed as the first time) is also an advantage when you only want to test your machine or software.

True Random Number Generator

A TRNG (True Random Number Generator) is a hardware device that observes some unpredictable physical event and records the results. For example you might build a machine that observes a casino roulette and outputs the results as random numbers. In practice this machine would be very slow and therefore expensive but it would work.

Very often microscopic events such as thermal noise, radioactive decay, photoelectric effect etc. are used because of their unpredictable nature.

It is possible to do this in software by measuring (in theory) unpredictable events such as the time between keystrokes, mouse movements, arrival time of network packets etc. In theory a very sophisticated attacker could manipulate a lot of these events but in practice it seems to be good enough.

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